The Truth About Monthly Credit Repair Programs

Real or Fake

Real or fake? Credit repair companies that over promise and under deliver!

As an everyday consumer, it is normal to look for “best in the business” for whatever your needs are. Your dog need a vet? You Google “best vet in …” You need a daycare for your kid, you ask other parents what they recommend. We all want best of the best. And our credit is no different! When searching for a company that can go into a credit report and legally remove items, you will certainly need a lawyer – the best in the biz. So, let’s talk about credit repair programs that are currently all over the TV and internet with catchy ads. Here is how you can discern between what information is real and what may be overstated. You don’t want to end up wasting your time, and more importantly, your money.

What they may over promise:

Credit repair is essentially a process that helps you remove negative items from your credit report. Seems legitimate so far. The problem is that many companies falsely advertise and give false hope to the clients on what they can achieve with the credit repair. No one can ever remove accurate and complete information from a report. What can be done is the removal of inaccurate or unverifiable information. If you have a late payment, and there is no evidence that a payment was made on time, there is no way to get that item removed. If a company is over promising on items such as this, know that they are not telling you the truth. The late may fall off over time. Do not let credit repair companies mislead you in their advertising. It is important to do your research with these companies at the very beginning. Some companies will over promise certain results and encourage you to believe that they are working diligently on your file. When in reality, they are racking up monthly fees while putting “time on the clock” for those items. And why would they work fast for you? You have already paid them to begin. Time on the clock is more money in their pocket.

How they under deliver:

Serious matters such as credit play a major role in everyone’s life. There are some companies that may even hide behind the title of a name, or claim they work as a law firm. However, they cannot work as a legitimate law firm. Again, be weary of what you are enrolling in. Many of these companies will mislead you with their fine print where it will explain they cannot remove certain items. We have seen a few companies that advertise that they have removed thousands of items from reports. But, those items were already about to fall off with time. Or, they claim to be a law firm but legally cannot take any action on behalf of the consumer. They are looking for items that will fall off soon and enroll you, drag the process out with a monthly fee and then surprise- the items are gone. These companies are under delivering by convincing you it was what work they did. Really, the item would have fallen off. But, you paid money, so of course you expect it was something related to the company you hired.

What a real law firm does:

At Credit Law Center you sign a Power of Attorney form, meaning you are now represented by an actual Law Firm. We do not charge monthly fees that go on with no results. Our clients are only charged for the successfully removal of an item. We send debt demands out on legal letterhead and demand those agencies remove items from the report. By law credit reports have to be timely, accurate and verifiable. When they are not, we use the law as leverage to have those accounts removed for our consumers. We work quickly for our clients because we are performance based. And, really, shouldn’t that be the model? You don’t pay a technician to try to patch your tire, you pay him when he does it! We have successfully sued all three agencies (Transunion, Experian, and Equifax) and recouped damages for those consumers. Whether companies have violated the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) or the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act), our attorneys know the law and know how to protect consumers.

It is not uncommon for new clients to inform us that they have worked with other dishonest credit repair companies. They feel as though they have thrown money away with no progress. We don’t promise removal of items off reports. But, we do promise you will only pay for results.

Take the next step with Credit Law Center

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